SVIs range of innovation solutions for the security industry is both functional as well as cost effective
SVI Engineering has over the last couple of years designed and developed many innovative systems and vehicles for the security vehicle industry, covering a wide range of applications, from simple affordable low level clip-on systems – favoured amongst security reaction vehicle fleet operators (private security companies to mine security vehicles) as well as higher level, non-discreet armouring solutions for the cash-in-transit type applications. SVI can also refurbish older armoured personnel carriers like the RG12 to extent their service life.
Cash-in-transit Armour
SVI has developed this cost-effective cash-in-transit (CIT) kit as a functional protection solution for the commercial sector. The B4+ (AK47) armouring level can easily be upgraded to B6 (7.62×51 mm assault rifle). The kit consists of the following:
- Side panel armour with integrated door and tandem door mechanism
- Rear panel with integrated window frame
- Windscreen frame
- Area under windscreen to firewall
- Partial firewall armour
- Roof armour panel
- Wheel arch armour
- Four pieces of bullet resistant glass integrated into side and windshield
- assemblies
- Fastener kit
- Suspension upgrade
- Two side gun ports
- Carpeting of the interior doors
- Fire extinguisher
- Rear view camera
A canopy can be added with specified armouring level as well as user requirement ranging from personnel carrying to cash-in-transit operation.
Clip-on Armour
SVI has developed a cost effective, clip-on protection solution for the driver and passenger doors of vehicles focusing mostly on the security industry. This partial armouring provides protection against small-calibre handguns (9mm 115g) in the area most likely to be targeted in an attack.
The kit consists of a transparent insert fixed inside of the standard, fully functional window as well as a Kevlar door sheet protecting more than 80% of the door area. When the vehicle is taken out of service, the kit can be removed without damage, returning the vehicle to standard OEM specification.
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