SVI’s cost-effective, multi-role armoured personnel carrier (APC) can be used for patrolling, emergency extractions or delivering guards to areas of conflict such as riots.


SVI identified the need for a cost-effective, multi-role armoured personnel carrier (APC) as thus created this. The APC canopy, which was designed and is manufactured by SVI, fits neatly onto the load bin of a single-cab bakkie such as the Toyota Hilux. The bakkie’s cabin can furthermore be armoured with SVI’s popular Stopgun V2.0 kit.

The canopy provides seating for up to five guards and offers B4+ (AK47) protection. SVI’s officially homologated Hilux APC has a GVM of 3 495 kg and has passed the required brake and side-slope tests as well as the mirrors and visibility test.

The armoured canopy features:


  • Uprated air-con compressor for base vehicle
  • Air-con for the canopy
  • Sturdy rear step for easy access
  • Four-point harnesses for crew
  • Crew compartment escape hatch
  • Crew compartment USB charging points
  • Fire extinguisher

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