Are you safe behind a (VW Polo) engine block or cylinder head?

Are you safe behind a (VW Polo) engine block or cylinder head?

Can a VW Polo engine block or cylinder head stop an AK47 round? Let’s find out if you’re safe behind an engine block… When it comes to gunfire, it’s sometimes said one of the only reliable areas of cover on a standard vehicle is directly behind the...
Why Kevlar (even 3 layers!) isn’t suitable as B6 armour

Why Kevlar (even 3 layers!) isn’t suitable as B6 armour

Think even three layers of Kevlar is enough to stop an AK47 round (and effectively serve as B6 armour)? Think again… Ballistic steel is heavy, so why not just double or triple up on lightweight Kevlar? Well, here we’ll demonstrate that even three layers of...
DIY vehicle armour? See why that’d be a terrible idea…

DIY vehicle armour? See why that’d be a terrible idea…

Ever thought you could armour your own vehicle using little more than a handful of 3 mm mild-steel plates and some basic DIY skills? Well, here’s why that’d be a terrible idea… Think armouring a vehicle is as simple as placing a few mild-steel plates...